T.P.L. NYC: You are a columnist on Hourglassy.com, can you tell me a bit about the site and what it offers readers?
Leah Hansen: Hourglassy.com is a blog that focuses on big busts and
hourglass figures. It was started by Darlene Campbell, founder of Campbell
& Kate (http://campbellandkate.com/), a line of white button-up shirts
sized for women with a large bust. Hourglassy focuses mostly on fashion and
lingerie, but also some social issues related to breasts. The site is one of
many, many blogs that make up a huge, international online community of women
and girls with large busts. These sizes are not catered to by mainstream
clothing manufacturers at all. It is
so difficult to find clothes and bras that fit right when you have a large
breast size to rib cage ratio. This community has sprung up so we can help one
another find clothes, advice, and often just a sounding board for body-related
L.H.: My column is called “Off the Rack.” It started with a focus
on sewing and altering clothes to fit an hourglass-shaped body; but just as
often it consists of me ranting about something boob-related. I’ve been doing
it for almost a year.
T.P.L. NYC: Between the right breast and the left, which one do you think is the more difficult for women to deal with? Which one do they have the most problems with?
L.H.: First, I think the idea of “dealing” with your breasts is a very unhealthy attitude. Breasts are just another part of the human body. That’s like asking which testicle men have difficulty with. Or, I guess, it’s more like asking which nipple men have difficulty with. There’s no one side that women have more trouble with than the other. That being said, most pairs of breasts are actually not symmetrical. One breast is almost always bigger than the other by at least a fraction. Sometimes there can even be a whole cup size difference between each one. Women should always choose bras that fit the larger breast, because you can use a little padding or a “chicken cutlet” (tan silicon bra inserts) to fill in the other. But there’s nothing you can do to fix quad boob (when the bra cuts into the breast tissue creating the illusion of a double boob) or side boob (when the cup is too small, and breast tissue squishes out under your armpit) on the bigger breast, if the cup is too small.
T.P.L. NYC: What is the biggest misconception about bras?

T.P.L. NYC: How many bras will a woman go through in her lifetime?
L.H.: Dozens, at least. Possibly up to hundreds. Bras don’t last
all that long. The elastic breaks down over time, the bands and straps stretch
out, and women’s bodies change enough through a lifetime that they have to
refresh their bra collection pretty frequently. How many pairs of underwear
will a man go through in his lifetime? It’s probably not that different.
Additionally, the way you care for your bra affects its life span. Handwashing
in cold water with gentle soap, hanging to dry, and skipping at least a day
between wearings (to let the elastic bounce back) will prolong a bra’s life.
Don’t ever put a bra in a clothes
L.H.: It really depends on your size. If you wear a 34-38 band and
an A, B, or C cup, you can probably get away with cheap department store bras.
But most of those kinds of stores don’t carry a 32 or smaller, or a D cup and
up. So if your size falls outside that very narrow range (even Victoria’s
Secret, the supposed “bra experts,” only carries 32-40 A-DDD, and those DD and
DDD’s are very rare—some of their bras don’t even go above C), then you can’t
buy cheap bras. You’re stuck with the expensive ones. That being said, in my
personal experience, the most
expensive bras are not always the highest quality. However, you can often get
those expensive bras for less if you know where to look—Figleaves.com and
Bravissimo.com (two online stores that cater to large cups and small bands),
for example, offer excellent sales if you sign up for their mailing list, and
eBay is full of great deals.
L.H.: The internet is a bra shopper’s best friend! Women shouldn’t feel bad or fat for having breasts that go above a D cup. Yes, it is difficult (sometimes truly impossible depending on where you live) to find those sizes in retail stores, but stores will only increase their offerings if consumers demand it. So stop squeezing yourself into the wrong size just because it’s all you can find in person. If you require a band smaller than a 32 or a cup above DD, shop online! There are multitudes of brands and online stores that cater to these sizes, and they don’t only offer full-coverage “granny” bras, either. If you need help figuring out the right size, you can do a free fitting over Skype with Canadian retailer Butterfly Collection (http://www.butterflycollection.ca), or find advice in any of the dozens and dozens of bra blogs. Some of my favorites are ThinAndCurvy.com, InvestInYourChest.co.uk, and BrasIHate.blogspot.com (and Hourglassy.com, of course).
T.P.L. NYC: What bra do you think is the worst?
L.H.: Anything from
T.P.L. NYC: I have been hearing that women are getting breast jobs more and more, tell us, what is the future for the A and B cup size?
L.H.: It’s true that surgical breast enhancement in the U.S. has
increased in recent years (by about 40% over the last decade, according to a
2011 study from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons). However, America is not
a litmus test for the entire world. Most women on earth don’t even have access,
nor care, about such a surgery. Note, also, that in the world of high fashion,
large breasts are not acceptable. So there are still large swathes of people
who appreciate or prefer small breasts. So even though the popularity of large
breasts may feel pervasive thanks to mainstream pop culture, small breasts
aren’t going anywhere.
L.H.: Yes, it absolutely changes the way bras fit. Silicon doesn’t move the way human tissue does. There are actually lingerie brands out there that create bras especially for fake boobs. It has no bearing on my job. Whether breasts are fake or real, women still face similar problems with regards to finding clothes for their big-busted body shape.
L.H.: No, though I occasionally attend lingerie trade shows, such
as the yearly Curve Expo.
L.H.: Nope, it’s just called “braless.” And since I would never
dream of dressing as such (boobs flopping around are painful), I have no interest in coming up with a new word.
L.H.: Breast reductions have apparently been growing among men in
recent years. But even men who have “moobs” do not face the same stigma or
clothing problems that large-breasted women do. So I definitely could not write
a column for men. I don’t even know what kind of help they would need. Plus,
man boobs are usually the result of being overweight, whereas women can be
perfectly healthy and very skinny while still having naturally large breasts.
And men don’t get catcalled on the street, groped on the subway, or called a
“slut” by complete strangers just because they may have larger than average
boobs. There is simply no comparison.
L.H. Well buying the wrong size is the biggest mistake. But
another mistake is that many women don’t do the “swoop and scoop.” In fact,
many women smush their boobs down
into the cups, often because they're wearing the wrong size and this is the
only way to get the bra to “fit.” Once a bra is on, you need to use your hand
to scoop up all the breast tissue from the outer side and pull (or swoop) it
into the center of the bra. Once you do this, you may notice that you’re
getting quad boob. This means you have the wrong size and need a bigger cup.
T.P.L. NYC: Is there a bra that men prefer more than women?
L.H.: Men seem to prefer when women wear bras that are too small, because it squishes your boobs together and makes them look extra cleavage-y. However, an improperly fitting bra can lead to breast tissue migration, back pain, bad posture, quad-boob, and just plain discomfort. So I don’t recommend it as a routine choice. It must be noted, though, that not all men prefer big boobs. Some do like small ones, some like medium ones, some like fake ones, and some don’t care at all as long as they’re there.
T.P.L. NYC: How do you research new topics for your column?
L.H.: Since a lot of my columns are about sewing, I just
photograph all the sewing projects I’m doing anyways, and turn them into an
instructional blog post. If I get a new product or bra, I write a review. I
don’t really do a ton of research, I mostly just notice something and file it
away in my brain for a later post. Like a few weeks ago, I was window shopping
in the cheapo clothing stores on Broadway between Canal and Houston (Amsterdam
Boutique, Necessary Clothing, Chill, etc), and found a bustier top covered in
spikes. It was so bizarre and out of place in the store, and got me thinking
about “dangerous” breasts. So I ended up writing a column about that.
T.P.L. NYC: Of all the columns you’ve written, which one do you
remember, or stands out, the most to you?
L.H.: The ones that get the most comments and discussion
definitely stand out the most. That’s how I know it was a good column. I
recently wrote a post about how annoyed I was that Modcloth.com is selling a
bra from the line Parfait by Affinitas. That brand specifically caters to women
who have a small band size and large cups, but Modcloth doesn’t offer the full
range of sizes and lists useless fit information, which is completely contrary
to the whole point of the brand’s mission. I thought it was kind of a throwaway
column, honestly. It was just me ranting. But it generated a ton of comments
and good discussion. So maybe I should give myself more credit!
L.H.: Again, nothing from Victoria ’s
Secret. They sell a one-of-a-kind bra made of precious gems (diamonds,
sapphires, etc) every Christmas for a million dollars. But it only comes in one
size—a 34 or 36B, I think. It’s just so ridiculous! But seriously, there are
dozens and dozens of different bra styles these days—balconnet, molded,
push-up, seamed, plunge, wire-free…the list goes on. There is absolutely no
“best” type of bra. It all depends on the woman’s size, shape, preferences, and
the clothes she happens to be wearing that day. A slinky tee shirt needs a
seamless bra, a sleeveless top needs a strapless, exercise requires a sports
bra. Plus different boob shapes simply fit certain bra styles better than
others. For example, plunge styles (a low, plunging center) tend to be better
for full-on-bottom breasts, while full-on-top breasts may be more comfortable
in a balconnet (which is more horizontal and open at the top of the cup). There
are also bras meant strictly for the bedroom, with all kinds of frills and
charms and things that would show through clothing. It’s never-ending.
L.H.: I write book reviews for RT
Book Reviews magazine. The RT stands for “Romantic Times,” but I actually
review mainstream fiction, urban fantasy, sci-fi, and a little bit of
contemporary romance (chick lit). I got into it because RT was a client of the computer consultant for whom I work as a
part-time assistant. When I had to drop something off at their office in Brooklyn , I just asked about reviewing books for them.
Many of their reviewers are just fans, not necessarily professional writers, so
I basically just joined the ranks. I sometimes pick the books if the editors
send out a list of available titles, but most of the time I just tell them to
send me whatever. I really enjoy reading and always need something to read on
the subway, so I like doing it even if I end up not liking the book.
L.H.: There are things I both do and don’t like about freelancing
and working lots of different jobs. The freedom is great, and at this point I
have enough regular, long-term gigs to add up to a salary that affords me a
pretty comfortable lifestyle. It’s also never boring, because I get to do lots
of different things. But it would be really nice to have health insurance, paid
vacation and sick days, and more co-workers. But I’ve applied to literally
hundreds of full-time, traditional jobs in the last few years, and only gotten
a handful of interviews and no offers. So unless the economy magically turns
around, I don’t see myself getting a “real” job any time soon. It’s become
clear to me, though, that even if the economy weren’t doing so badly,
traditional applications are just not the way to find a job anymore. Literally
every job or gig I have right now is from knowing the right person, putting
myself out there, and making sure everyone I work with knows I’m on a constant
hunt for more work. It’s kind of unfortunate, because if you’re shy or just
starting out, it can be extremely
difficult to find work in a creative or humanities-related field.
T.P.L. NYC: You will be working with the Huffington Post, tell us how you landed that? What is it like inside the Huffington Post?
L.H.: I like that editing comics is so different from editing
articles or books. You almost get to ignore the minutiae of line-editing and
have to focus more on the big picture—characters’ motivations, dialogue, and
even the visuals. It’s up to the writer to give enough guidance to the artist.
So as editor, I have to imagine what the writer is trying to describe. I often
do little thumbnail sketches as I’m reading a script, and if I can’t figure out
what the writer is trying to explain, then I assume an artist won’t be able to
either. Everything has to be clear, but leave room for creativity at the same
time. It also has to be a good, compelling story overall, whether the writing
is up to par or not. I think it’s harder than traditional editing because there
are no hard and fast rules.
T.P.L. NYC: You also speak French, how did you learn it? You also like French comics, how do you feel their comic books differ from American books?
L.H.: There are sooooo many French (and
Belgian) comics that I love. I grew up with TinTin
and Asterix, for starters. Now I read
the hilarious and somewhat dirty children’s titles Petit Spirou and Titeuf,
as well as anything I can find by the amazing female comic creators Madeleine
Martin, Pénélope Bagieu, and Margaux Motin. I also read a lot of manga in
French, because so many more series are translated to French than English,
particularly titles geared at adult women, which are almost nonexistent in the U.S.
L.H.: Yes, that was my first time in Belgium . I really want to go back
some day, especially to the city of Ghent .
Other countries I’ve visited are Canada ,
France (lots of times), and Costa
Rica . I’ve also spent just one day in London , Nicaragua ,
and Spain ,
as day trips while I was on vacation in other countries.
T.P.L. NYC: So what is the most peculiar thing you have encountered
while in Europe ?
L.H.: Nothing really specific, as I have all these ongoing gigs
now that take up pretty much a full-time job. If people want to keep up with my
work, they can follow me on Twitter @twingomatic, my blog,
twingomatic.blogspot.com, or my new Tumblr, soup-a-day.tumblr.com, where I
write reviews of Hale & Hearty soups (my coworker and I order it for lunch
every single week).

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